What is autism? Videos

[Featured spectrum picture credit]


Adorable and close to accurate of the neuro-diversity narrative, a video called Amazing Things Happen – Autism


Here is Neurodivergent Rebel – Christa Holmans – talking about what autism is

Autistic people have “spikey profiles” – we have our own spectrums: we are always evolving and growing, and changing as individuals.

We are a part of a neuro-divergent, neuro-minority – there is no disorder.


Find here the “Welcome to the Autistic Community!” document (PLEASE NOTE that this document was created in the US), which states :

“This book is a crash course on what it means to be autistic, and an introduction to the community you now find yourself in. Our goal is to help you answer questions you have about autism, so that you can understand yourself better.”

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